Winter Festival of Lights

Technologies Witten in Objective-C MapKit is used for displaying custom path overlays and placemark pins A custom UICollectionView layout was written from scratch to provide parallax scrolling effects & blur. Also features a unique layout for showing sponsors. AFNetworking is used for the networking layer and API A secure keychain is used for storing unique device identifiers to…

Preference Card

Technologies Security framework, more specifically keychain is used for storing sensitive information pertaining to each created preference card CommonCrypto is used for cryptographically ensuring integrity of exported preference card data. It is also used to ensure that the preference card hasn't been tampered with between the export and import stages CoreData is used as the main and only…


Description Juicing is a weekly juicing and yoga program designed to deliver a juicing and yoga plan to follow on a weekly basis. In addition, it will also provide a Bonus section with Nutrition and Exercise tips to accelerate weight loss progress and a motivational Daily Message. It’s like having a nutrition coach and yoga instructor all…

Live Sport

Description Memory is an extremely light-weight utility to help you monitor your RAM usage. It runs in the status bar and displays currently available "Free" RAM. Clicking it shows a breakdown of how RAM is used by the system, separated into four sections: Free, Inactive, Active & Wired. It can display both absolute values in GB and percentages of total…