
  • libsqlite3.dylib is used for syncing with a web service via API. Over 40,000 quotes are displayed and can be searched with blistering speed
  • WatchKit is used to developing an Apple Watch companion application
  • A custom UICollectionView layout is implemented for a stacking parallax effect used throughout the app
  • AFNetworking is used for the networking layer and API
  • A sync system, built on top of SQLite was developed to download and sync new quotes, images, books and other content from the server to the iOS app
  • This is a universal app, natively supporting both iPhone and iPad

Server & API

  • A custom API was developed to deliver and sync data from an existing MySQL database to the client (iPhone and iPad)
  • Built on top of a single EC2 instance linked to an RDS instance running MySQL. Images are stored and served via S3
  • API is secured using a cryptographically signed “API Key” generated by the client applications


Sunrise Inspiration lets users discover daily quotes, beautiful photos and short, inspirational videos. With Sunrise Inspiration, a user can also quickly create an eCard from hundreds of amazing photos and share it on Facebook, Twitter or other platforms. If opted in, a push notification delivered on a regular basis will remind users about new quotes, books, videos or other material.

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